11 March, 2016

Yes I'm back

Greetings people,

My apologies for virtually abandoning my blog.  As it stands, there has been very little of interest and I've been a little bit sidetracked with a job hunt.  But here are a few things that have kept me busy:

  • Still working on a MG Sazabi ver. Katoki 
  • Started a Twitch account for livestreaming my PS4 exploits
  • Began Spring-cleaning my apartment (aka "Fortress Republic"). 
I've taken a break from Destiny, as the game has not been updated significantly (PVE is a desolate wasteland, loot drops are still abysmal, and shotguns/fusion rifles/handcannons are still useless thanks to the last round of nerfs).  In it's place, I finally rolled a hardcore Crusader in Diablo 3; I'll be livestreaming gameplay via the Twitch link above.

Thanks for your patience in any case.  I'll make it a point to get another entry sooner rather than later (I do have the time, I'm just a lazy ass).  --N

07 January, 2014

Unicorn Gundam in for service

As I mentioned the other night, here is the latest photo of the Banshee, this time inside a service bay.


Hiyo! Just wanted to send a post out so those out there who care know I still function. Anyways, I'm hibernating when possible as the Midwest is in a particularly harsh coldsnap. I did some additional work on the Gundam Unicorn Banshee while I was off the grid. Let me know what you think of the end result.

19 October, 2013

Apologies for the communications blackout

I know, I've been lax in my blog entries. Anyways, hello to anyone still out there. Not much going on outside of my birthday today. So I'll write again soon once there is something on my mind I can commit to keystrokes.  -N2

22 September, 2013

Model work in progress.

I've finally resumed work on the Banshee Gundam that I started earlier this summer. Here is the kit with roughly half of the decals applied. After that, it's an SG clear coat then onto its weapons.

10 September, 2013

New music I've been listening to

NIN's deluxe edition of "hesitation marks" arrived in the mail today, but I've been listening to the downloads since the record officially dropped last week. I was initially ambivalent about the record from hearing the first single "came back haunted," but I've gotten more receptive to the new material with each listen. There's a lot going on, and TR finds ways to keep every beat, blast of noise, and synth interesting while not drowning each other out. There's also a lot of (for lack of a better term) "space" in the quieter moments. "H-marks" doesn't have the unrestrained fury of say, "broken," but TR's older, "the downward spiral" is almost 20 years old ("broken" is 21!?) , and lots of people would be pointing and saying he's become a parody of himself.  That said, there are glimpses of TR's frustration with the world around him. "Disappointed" is a prime example of the now-controlled anger. NIN 20 years ago was very much about rage no matter the costs or consequences. NIN is still angry, still aware that the world is heading down the crapper, but this time around TR will find ways to make things work.

Up next, Covenant's "Leaving Babylon." I'll reserve my thoughts for tomorrow or later. Time for me to reacquaint myself with Liberty City and "Grand Theft Auto IV." "GTA5" arrives next week.

30 August, 2013

Sitting at home, drinking beer

I've not had any beer or liquor all week, as it's the end of the month and that means the aggravations at my workplace grow exponentially. Now that the weekend is here I'm going to resume my regular activity of drinking until I'm drunk. This evening's selection:

Rivertown Brewing Company's Jenneke Belgian-style Blonde Ale. Yep, I'm drawn to blond ales the same way I'm drawn to blond ladies. It's got a nice zing to it at first, almost like a hard cider, then rolls off into a traditional ale finish. I'd rank it just below my reigning Emma Frost/White Queen, which would be Grimbergen's excellent blondie.